Last updated: 02 March 2025

Terms - Classes & Membership

These Terms, Policies, and Conditions relating to Class Participation (“Terms") should be read in conjunction with and fall under our general terms and policies listed here: Terms.

By signing up, purchasing, or participating in a master class, private class, or general class ("class"), gradings and/or membership with Goju Hakutsuru Karate Do ("GHKD"), you agree to these terms.

1. Participant Understanding

We predominantly teach traditional Goju Ryu karate, meaning it involves physical contact with one or more other practitioners in ways designed to simulate as closely as possible the self-defence options available to a practitioner when confronted with physical aggression and/or threatening behaviour. As in any other physically demanding recreational activity, there is always a risk of injury. Any person participating in a class conducted by us does so with the full understanding that whilst it is our policy to minimise this risk, the nature of contact physical activity prevents its total elimination. Persons participating in a class conducted by us do so of their own volition and at their own risk.

2. Senior Master Instructors
You can view the bio of each Senior Master Instructor here: About Us.

3. Safety

  1. Instructors will ensure that the training area is clear of any dangerous and/or sharp objects that may pose a risk of injury.
  2. Participants must not wear jewellery or watches during training.
  3. All persons participating in training agree to maintain self-control and care when applying any technique to other persons in the class.
  4. Any person who, in training, exhibits behaviour that, in the instructor's judgement, is a danger to other participants shall not be allowed to continue training until the Instructor determines the danger is no longer present. To protect the safety of all participants, the Instructor reserves the right to terminate the class for the participant or participants without refunding class fees.
4. Participation in our Classes
By participating in our classes, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Assumption of Risk: You understand and acknowledge that participating in self-defence training involves inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of physical injury. You voluntarily assume all such risks and agree that GHKD, its instructors, and affiliates shall not be liable for any injuries or damages sustained during or as a result of your participation in our classes.
  2. Medical Clearance: You certify that you are physically fit and have received medical clearance from a qualified healthcare professional to engage in vigorous physical activity. If you have any medical conditions, injuries, or concerns that may affect your ability to participate in our classes safely, you must inform our instructors before participating.
  3. Safety Guidelines: You agree to follow all safety guidelines and instructions provided by our instructors during classes and listed above. This includes proper warm-up exercises, techniques, and protective gear. Failure to adhere to safety protocols may result in your removal from the class.
  4. Participant Responsibilities: You are responsible for your own actions and well-being during our classes. You agree to communicate any injuries, physical limitations, or concerns to our instructors and to follow their instructions at all times. You also agree to respect other participants' and instructors' rights and safety.
  5. Parental Consent: If you are under 18, you must have parental or guardian consent to participate in our classes. Parents or guardians are responsible for ensuring minors comply with all terms and conditions outlined herein.
  6. Equipment Usage: You agree to use any equipment provided during classes safely and responsibly. You are responsible for inspecting equipment for damage before use and reporting any concerns to our instructors immediately.
  7. Code of Conduct: You agree to adhere to our code of conduct and dojo etiquette (listed below), which promotes a respectful and safe learning environment for all participants. This includes refraining from disruptive behaviour, following instructions, and treating others courteously and respectfully.
  8. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless GHKD, its instructors, and affiliates from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses (including legal fees) arising from participating in our classes, including but not limited to injuries sustained during training.
  9. Insurance Coverage: You agree that it is your responsibility to ensure adequate personal insurance coverage. We recommend consulting with your insurance provider to verify your coverage for participating in our classes.

5. Applications

You acknowledge and agree that GHKD, its instructors, and affiliates shall not be held liable for the application of techniques shown during our classes outside of the class, whether in private or public settings. The proper application of techniques depends on various factors, including but not limited to the practitioner's skill level, surrounding circumstances, environment, and associated factors beyond our control.

You understand that while our instructors strive to provide comprehensive training and guidance, numerous variables influence the effectiveness and safety of applying techniques in real-life situations. Therefore, you agree that GHKD, its instructors, and affiliates shall not be responsible for any consequences from applying techniques learned during our classes, whether in a self-defence scenario or otherwise.

By participating in our classes, you acknowledge and accept that the responsibility for applying techniques outside of class lies solely with the individual practitioner. You agree to hold GHKD, its instructors, and affiliates harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising from such application.

6. Dojo/Training Area Etiquette

  1. Persons will bow in the appropriate manner upon entering the Dojo/Training Area.
  2. Shoes must be removed before entering the training area unless they are special martial arts footwear approved by the Instructor (see “Clothing” below).
  3. Persons must be punctual, preferably early (early may not be appropriate during COVID-19 times), so they are ready to train when class commences. If arriving late, a person must wait at the side of the Dojo/Training Area until the Instructor indicates that a person may join the class.
  4. Persons must not chew gum whilst training.
  5. Food and/or drink (including water) must not be consumed whilst in the Dojo/Training Area without the express approval of the Instructor.
  6. Mobile phones must be turned off or placed on silent during training. Mobile phones inadvertently left on during training may not be answered. Any person who is “on-call” for work may seek approval from the Instructor before the commencement of class to leave his or her mobile phone on.

7. Uniforms & Training Gear

All participants must wear an approved Karate Uniform (dogs) and Belt (obi) during all training sessions unless specific approval to wear alternative training gear is received from the Instructor before the class commences.

8. Sparring

  1. Persons participating in sparring activity must purchase and wear an approved mouthguard and bring this mouthguard to every training session.
  2. In addition to their personal mouth guards, persons participating in sparring must wear full protective clothing, either their own or as supplied by us, comprising body guards, head guards, groin guards, shin guards, and 14-oz or 16-oz boxing mitts (depending on the type of sparring).
  3. Not all classes involve sparring; therefore, sparring is not a prerequisite for all types of training. (Please speak to the Instructor if you have any questions or concerns in relation to sparring). For instance, free sparring is not included in a Master Class or special add-hoc event. Demonstration and training of applications (bunkai) may be included in a Master Class or special ad-hoc event. Application training is usually trained as a two-person pre-arranged drill, which can, at times, be referred to as "sparring".
9. Sickness, injury and/or Covid

  1. Persons must not train if they are suffering from the flu or other viral infection that may be passed on to other persons.
  2. Persons must advise the Instructor if suffering from any injury or medical condition, either permanent or temporary, which may be adversely affected by certain types of training. Some examples of this may include blood pressure problems and cardiac disorders, neck and back injuries, diabetes and asthma.
  3. If requested by the Instructor, persons with the above or similar conditions must show this Code of Conduct to their physician and secure a medical certificate clearly stating that they can participate in classes conducted by us and whether any restrictions or conditions are applicable.
  4. All persons and participants attending a Dojo/Training Area used by us are expected to abide by the COVID-19 safety plan or similar plan ("safety plan") set by local government regulations from time to time.
  5. Persons may be expected to have a temperature check upon entry to the training centre. If their temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius, they must leave and seek medical advice.
  6. Persons must make extra effort in relation to personal hygiene and use hand sanitiser liberally (available at various sanitation stations).
  7. All persons who enter the training centre agree to have their contact details stored on our contact register, if utilised.
    • If you are unable, or unwilling to abide my our safety plan please do not attend any class or facility. Non-compliance puts the business and those who attend the training centre or events at unnecessary risk.
10. Other Heath Related Issues

  1. Persons must not attend our Dojo/Training Area under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  2. Smoking is prohibited in the Dojo/Training Area or outside the entry area.
  3. Participants training must give proper attention to personal hygiene and exhibit clean grooming (i.e. body, hands, feet and uniform/clothing); and ensure that fingernails and toenails are trimmed and clean.
  4. Persons with a cut or bleeding injury must cease training immediately and receive appropriate first aid. Re-joining the training session will not be allowed until the instructor has deemed it safe to do so.
  5. Persons administering first aid to someone suffering a cut or bleeding injury must wear protective gloves.
9. Dojo/Training Area Etiquette

  1. All persons must always be courteous and helpful to each other.
  2. Physical contact between persons who are training must be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the skill development of those persons.
  3. Sexual harassment, defined as being where a person is subjected to unwanted or uninvited sexual behaviour, will not be tolerated.
  4. Any form of discrimination based on sex, ethnic origin, language, colour, or other form of differentiation will not be tolerated.
11. Billing/Fees/Membership

All individual class fees, grading fees, membership fees, or any other fees due to us must be paid in full before the designated training or class commences.

12. Cancellations/Refunds

In the case where your cancellation is for a health-related issue (e.g., COVID-19), we will require a copy of the medical certificate by an approved physician before any refund of all fees paid will be credited back to the participant. For refunds for a cancellation to be considered by us, we must be notified before the class or membership term commences. All other refunds will be at the sole discretion of the Chief Instructor.

13. Rights to Photos, Videos & Audio (Media)

All persons and/or participants attending a class or event we run agree that we may take photographs, video and/or audio recordings ("media") of that class or event and that this media may be used for display, promotion and/or advertising, or sold for profit, and the person or participant hereby waives any compensation to which they may otherwise be entitled for appearing in such materials.

Media posted to the school’s social media sites become the property of GRP and GHKD, and the person and/or participants relinquish any rights to determine the use of said media. We can use media for marketing purposes. If you’re from the EU, UK, Brazil, or Thailand, you may withdraw consent to use your personal materials.

Any person or participant who does accept this term, please inform the Chief Instructor before the class or event commences, and we will use our best endeavours to exclude you from any media recordings.

To protect our intellectual property, we do not permit any person and/or participants attending a class or event we run to take any media recording whatsoever during the class or event. We allow persons and/or participants to take photographs before a class commences and after a class ends. We also allow and encourage participants to take written personal notes during a class at the times permitted by the instructor.

14. Content received

The information, guidance and demonstrations ("content") received during a class are only for the private use of the registered participant. This content is not to be shown or discussed with non-registrants or third parties unless you are an approved Instructor of GHKD.

15. No onlookers

All classes are open only to registered participants. We do not allow onlookers or third parties to view the class without a valid registration or prior approval from the Chief Instructor of GHKD.

16. Warranties, Guarantees and Liabilities

We do not warrant or guarantee that you will become fully proficient in the kata, techniques, and/or applications shown during a class. Individual proficiency level depends on each individual's skills and rigour in correctly training the kata, techniques, and/or applications shown. We recommend that you continue participating in our classes, asking questions, and/or training with our Instructors to advance your proficiency.

We do not accept any liability whatsoever for injuries or health issues suffered during one of our classes. We will use our best endeavours to provide assistance and/or contact third-party medical practitioners or paramedics, but we accept no liability for their attendance or assistance.

By registering for our classes, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you should not participate in our classes.

Warranties, Guarantees and Liabilities are limited and applied in accordance with our over-arching Terms.

GHKD reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for any changes. Continued participation in our classes after any such modifications shall constitute your consent to such changes.

Elevate your Goju Ryu expertise

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