Curated and delivered by Goju Ryu Senior Master Instructors

The GOJU RYU PORTAL was established in 2007 by Frank Louis, Hanshi. At that time, it was a private portal for select senior karate instructors and students of his style, GOJU HAKUTSURU KARATE-DO, a traditional karate organisation that privately teaches leading instructors worldwide. Frank, Hanshi is chief technical adviser to the GOJU RYU PORTAL.

The GOJU RYU PORTAL was originally established to promulgate an understanding of traditional Goju Ryu at the request of Frank, Hanshi's Instructor, the renowned Goju Ryu Master, Ohtsuka Tadahiko, Hanshi.

Over time, the GOJU RYU PORTAL gained popularity, and interest in access spread worldwide. This development culminated in 2020 when more instructors and students sought credible information and instruction on Goju Ryu. As a result, the Goju Ryu Portal was opened to the world and has been a huge success ever since.

The content in the GOJU RYU PORTAL is carefully curated and researched to ensure it is authentic and based on teachings and information received from legitimate master instructors who have each been involved in Goju Ryu karate-do for many decades.

Information is continually updated and carefully researched to ensure it is factual and credible. Remember that each Senior Master Instructor involved in the Portal has trained and been certified with a Bubishi Master rank and awarded Senior Master Black Belt gradings in Japan and Australia.

The GOJU RYU PORTAL is operated on a not-for-profit basis to ensure that the information on Goju Ryu karate-do is not tainted by commercial influences and is based on actual master-level teachings. Costs are kept to a minimum to ensure credible information is available to more people worldwide. The primary focus is on expanding the knowledge and skills of all our members with factual information on traditional Goju Ryu karate-do, carefully researched by Master Instructors with over 140 years of combined martial arts experience.

Our Senior Master Instructors

Frank Louis

Chief Instructor

The Founder of the Goju Ryu Portal. Certified in Japan as a Senior Master Instructor and Hanshi of Goju Hakutsuru Karate-do.

John Power

Master Instructor

A major contributor to the Portal. Certified in Japan as a Senior Master Instructor and is the Hanshi of Goju Yonshinkai Karate-do.

Les William

Master Instructor

A major contributor to the Portal. Certified in Japan as a Senior Master Instructor and is Kyoshi of Goju Yonshinkai Karate-do.

Elevate your Goju Ryu expertise

Embark on a journey into the rich tradition of Goju Ryu karate, a captivating martial art born in Okinawa, Japan. Goju-Ryu seamlessly merges powerful strikes with graceful, circular motions. Elevate your expertise with the GOJU RYU PORTAL, the leading online platform embraced by practitioners globally. The GOJU RYU PORTAL is operated on a not-for-profit basis.